An Ian Update

Ian is fast approaching 3 years old! He is learning and growing so fast I thought I had better write some things down before I forget them.

Ian has been in preschool this year at CCNS. He goes 2 days a week and loves it! I can't believe how much older he seems from the beginning of the year.

Ian is now potty trained and it was easier than I expected. I was a little hesitant to start him before he was 3. Probably because that is when we started with Dane. What worked for Ian is that he has an obsession with gum balls from our Gumball Machine. So instead of giving him gum balls all day long he got one only when he went in the potty. It worked so well and only took a few days. It is such a wonderful freedom to be diaper free!!

Some funny things Ian says:

"Mom! What is WRONG with you?" (He says it like a teenager would if you tried to give them a hug in public.)

He can't say the letter "f" or "s" so sentence structure is kind of funny. He is also into potty language (thanks to Dane). So the other night he said, "I harted (farted) on the heat (seat)" and then both boys laughed and laughed.

He calls cousin Sam, "Ham or Hammy" and Grandma Sherrie is "Grandma Hairy".

He says upside down like this: 'Up-a-hide-down'

Getting out of the car to meet cousin's Abbey and Sam, Ian said, "Hi ya little Jerks". Another word courtesy of Dane.

Ian: "Mom! I need to tell you hump-ing (something)!"

Me: What is it?

Ian: "Everybody Poops!"


Ian: "Mom! I need to tell you hump-ing!"

Me: Ok, what?

Ian: "Everybody likes beer!"
(said while drinking root beer at a restaurant)

Ian is such a joy to have in our family. He is so mellow, happy and accomodating. I feel so lucky to be his mommy. Each morning he rushes to my side of the bed for a cuddle and I love that.


gina said...

What a cute lil boy!

Unknown said...

OHHHHHHH. That just made me want to run up to your house and give Ian a hug!

Sherrie Wray said...

Hey....wait a minute.... that was grama 'Herrie' that said that! NOT Cannon!

Meg said...

This post made me laugh really hard. It was a good one:) That kid has always been easy-going right from the start...hence Bonaire at six weeks old!

Megan Loves Life said...

Today was so funny! "Don't hit my friend Abbey, Ham!" and "My mom is cool! Oh yeah oh yeah!" There were more , I feel like I was laughing all afternoon at these two!

Somer Love said...

Ahhh So cute and hilarious!

Happy LOVE day Whit! Xo

Lindsey M. said...

Ian is skateboarding? WRONG! Noah still can't peddle his tric! Anyway, Ian is a doll...they both are...

Nana said...

This was one of the funnest posts I've ever read...what a darling boy and so lucky to have a momma that loves him so...