A Dane Update

"Insane Dane"

My-oh-my how our first born has grown! Dane will be 7 this summer. It seems like only yesterday I was surprised to find out I was pregnant with him. Having Dane caused our lives to change immensely for the better. Dane taught Dustin and I how to be parents. Luckily he was an easy child and didn't give us too much trouble and he was forgiving when we made the many mistakes new parents make.

Dane has been enjoying Kindergarten this year and he has really blossomed. He has fantastic teachers that make learning exciting and fun. This year Dane has become a good little reader and enjoys choosing chapter books from the library. His favorite one to read is "Ricky Ricotta and his Mighty Robot". He also likes to make his own books. He wrote and illustrated one about "a yak in the dezurt, a katis (cactus) and a valkano". I love his kid writing!

Even at his young age Dane thinks that going to school is just something to do when you can't ski, dirt bike, dune buggy, BMX, or go to the skate park. Dane lacks no confidence or self-esteem in these areas and is quick to tell you that he is "the best at.......". He did have a great time skiing at Snowbird and his skills on the mountain did improve. He loves his dirt bike and figured out how to shift so now he can go really fast. BMX has started and we will be heading out to the track a couple of days a week for practices and races. I think even Dustin (and maybe me) are going to get out on the track this year too. Dane played on a coach pitch baseball team this spring with Daniel. Nancy and I were the coaches. It was fun to see the team's improvement from the first game to last.

The one thing I love about Dane is his absolute love and admiration for Dustin. Dustin is definitely a SuperHero in Dane's eyes. Dane rushes to our room each morning in hopes of cuddling with Dustin before he gets up for work. They talk about dune buggy's, snowmobiling, and anything else. Dane is so proud that his dad is a Desert Racer and is Dustin's #1 Fan!

Dane is also a very good big brother to Ian. They definitely have their fights but for the most part they get along well and enjoy each other.

We love Dane so much and are so glad to have him in our family!


Nick, Steph and Chase Baby said...

We love you Dane! You're such a great kid to be around. Thanks for being such a great friend to Chase.

Lindsey M. said...

Honestly, is that daring stuff genetic? I think so! He is sooooo darling in his grown up gear out there!