Animal House

We are in LOVE with this girl! Her name is Skadi and is our neighbors dog. She stayed with us while her owner's were in Vancouver for the Olympics and we had a hard time giving her back! She is the sweetest and most well behaved dog and she brings such joy to our house. And even thought we didn't get to keep her for good she does get to come over on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We go on a lot of walks, hikes and car rides. Ian loves her and is sad on the days she doesn't come over. Yesterday he brushed her for like 10 minutes and Skadi just sat there patiently and then they shared a graham cracker. It feels good to have a dog in the house again. With Skadi around it feels like what I can imagine being a grandparent is like. Have fun, fun, fun, sugar them up, and send them home!
These little chickies visited for a weekend from Ian's preschool class. Dane loved to hold them and I caught him taking one on a ride in Ian's play Jeep down to the sand box. I was worried all weekend that we would loose one but they all returned on Monday morning unscathed. Phew! I did learn that chicken's require some work and are really messy.


Megan Loves Life said...

yes, animal house! cute pic of the kids with skadi!

adrienne said...

Dogs and chickies...oh my!

ROSIE said...

look at what a good blogger you are! love the updates! You said that Eva looks big . . . Dane looks sooo big!

Sid said...

your kids are so cute! i can't believe how bigh they are getting!

Meg said...

I didn't know that was how you spelled Skadi's name!?! If she wants to go for another little romp at the park us. Bodie's always up for a good walk!

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

Look how big your kids are getting. Dane is such a crack up. I love that he had to take them for a little ride. So funny.

Sherrie Wray said...

Never heard you say those nice things about Bigs and Nattie! Gol! And.... it sounds like I get to enjoy your kids.... sugar them up... and send them home!!! Awesome! Let's make sugar cookies!!!!