Goodbye Lizsi

Today we had to say goodbye to our sweet family dog Lizsi. She was a 12 1/2 year-old Vizsla. My family bought her one month after Dustin and I started dating. In fact, Dustin is how we found Lizsi. Dustin's good friends dog had had puppies and we went to see them. They were so cute we just couldn't resist and took her home. She was such a sweet dog and so great with kids. She was a little bit neurotic but we loved her all the same. Lizsi even got to live with us for a few months while my parents were moving back from San Diego. Lizsi got bone cancer in her jaw and we noticed a lump in her mouth on Father's Day this year. The Vet said this is a fast spredding cancer and difficult to remove. So we just decided to wait it out and hoped that she would make it until Cannon got home from his mission in October. But even though she seems to feel fine the tumor just kept growing inside her mouth and then started bleeding and wouldn't stop. So we knew then that is was time to say goodbye. I took the kids over to see her and we made a garden stepping stone with her paw prints. It turned out really cute. This is much harder that I thought it would be. It is no fun to loose a family pet.

L - Loving Lap Dog

I - Insanely Cute

Z - Zippy

S - Swimmer

I - Irreplaceable


A and M said...

Oh Lizsi! I'm so sad, I want to cry & she wasn't even my dog...thanks for posting

Crazy Red said...

So sad to lose a part of the family, even if she was a dog. She was such a sweet thing, and I'll miss her. Dogs are people too! Love, Auntie Lori

gina said...

I called Meg right when she was leaving your parents house... I cried. I have such a soft spot for family pets.

adrienne said...

I got teary-eyed when I saw the text from my mom because Nick and I lost our dog a few years ago and it is hard because they are such a part of the family. Lizsi was such a good and beautiful dog!

Nick, Steph and Chase Baby said...

We got to meet Lizsi at X-mas last year when she was staying with you guys. I instantly loved her. Its so touch to lose a part of the family. Hugs:)

Jessica said...

This is so sweet!