April Fool's Day

Here are 2 April Fool's prank's I have played.

#1 I saved the pregnancy tests I took with Dane and many times I have tried to Fool Dustin into thinking I was pregnant.

#2 My sis Megan and I went skiing on April Fool's Day one year. We decided it would be fun to pull a little prank on my mom. Megan called her and said that I was on my way to the ER in an ambulance because I had been in a skiing accident. On the phone my mom and Meg were discussing a plan of who would go to the hospital and who would pick up Dane from daycare. When the plan was set. My mom was out the door and in her car in 3 seconds flat. She was ready to pull the car out of the garage and looked in her rear view mirror to see my sister and I laughing our heads off. My mom didn't think it was so funny until the adrenaline wore off. She is a good sport though.

What kind of April Fool's pranks have you played on people?s


Brett and Andrea Robinson said...

I did the pregnant thing to Brett last year... We thought I might be (even though it would be pretty much impossible) so I took advantage of the day and told Brett I was. He was okay with it, but happy when I told him I really wasn't and "April Fool's"... Other than that, none really come to mind. Goot times! :)

Brandon and Tenille said...

Oh you guys are mean hahaha it is funny though but if I did that to brandons mom especially she would have been soooo pissed sounds like your mom was a good sport about it though....

Unknown said...

oh that first one is cruel!lol! nice blog:)

Wade Family said...

That one with your moms is classic. I think my mom would have killed me. HAHA very funny.