Children's Museum

L to R: Ian, Chase, Andrew, Jack
Ian and I went to the Children's Museum with Steph and Chase who were in town from Arizona and Angie and the twins. Jack-Jack and Doo-Doo (as Dane calls them) are 7 months old, Chase is 1 year old and Ian is almost 2 years old.
The kids had a great time exploring and the mom's had a great time catching up.


Nick, Steph and Chase Baby said...

That was so much fun! Love you guys

Meg said...

I can't believe how old the twinners look! Crazy how time flies.

Nana said...

It was fun going to the Museum with you girls and cute little guys...thanks for the treat.

Brandon and Tenille said...

Ok I LOVE this picture how cute are all those boys. I bet you guys and the kids had a ball at the museum....