TRI Geeks

We LOVED our TRIATHLON! You can now refer to Kristen, Rosie and myself as TRI-Geeks or Triathletes (if you prefer). What a wonderful day we had experiencing our FIRST triathlon. All that training paid off and we had a great time. We were able to get some really cool tri-suits from Rosie's husband, Bart, who rides mountain bikes for Cannondale and Monavie. Thanks Bart!

Don't we look like a force to be reckoned with! Go team MONAVIE!

Kristen and Rosie on our warm-up run.

Well, we have a gold medalist on our team. Kristen one first place in her age group in the Athena category. Now, the Athena team is for women who weigh more than 150 lbs. But if you look at Kristen or know her she is hardly fat. She is made of pure muscle and she can kick some butt. Way to go Kristen!
Friend Matt also one first place in his age group in the clydesdale category. His cute wife Jennette wasn't there because she was running in the Hobble Creek Half Marathon that day. Way to go Matt and Jennette!
We also had a medal won in the Miller Family this weekend. Dustin and Brandon took 3rd place in their Vegas to Reno trophy truck race. Way to go MD Motorsports! Hopefully Dustin took some pictures to publish soon.
What a great way to spend a Saturday!


Brandon and Tenille said...

Yeah whitney and girlies. I had so much fun watching you guys do your first tri. You all did amazing. And you did it in style. Congrats and welcome to the addiction (which I need to get back to for sure)!!!!

Sam and Jess said...

good job girls! I am impressed with your dedication.

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

Way to go Whit. You are such a inspiration, if only I could run across the street to the mailbox. Have so- much fun in NYC!! I am so Jealous. I love that place.

Sid said...

way to go whit! THat's awesome- i am going to do my firt triathalon next spring, and i am running a half marathon in december! scary! hope i can do it.

Jessica said...

Can you pass some of that motivation my way please! Good for you and all of your hard work. Fun aout the boys too!

Nick, Steph and Chase Baby said...

I'm so impressed with you! Way to go!!! Once my body is back to normal, I might have to look into something like that. See you soon

Leenz said...

Congratulations and welcome to the club! Now that you've had your first taste, you'll be so excited for next season. Let's do one together!

jill said...

That is amazing that you did that!! I could not have gotten through all that. Congratulations!!