The Good and Bad of Today

The GOOD of today was that Dane learned how to ride a two-wheeler. I went to walk the dogs for 30 minutes and I came back to Dane riding his bike . My Dad and brother Adam taught him. He was so excited I could barely get him to come inside for dinner. He said it is his new favorite thing to do and that he is going to get really strong legs and race his dad when he gets home. Way to go Dane!

The BAD of today was when Ian woke up from his morning nap with blisters on his lips. A quick trip to the doctor confirmed Hand,Foot & Mouth Disease. If you have never had experience with this virus it is miserable for the person who has it and for the person who has to take care of them. The sores are on Ian's lips and inside his mouth. It hurts him to suck on his binki and his bottle which makes him really frustrated because he loves both of those things. All I can say is thank goodness for Tylenol, Motrin and Benedryl. I hate when my kids are sick. It is no fun to see them miserable. Another BAD about this weekend is that Dustin is in Las Vegas at a desert race so I am on my own to take care of everything.


Brandon and Tenille said...

Oh no you were just saying how that was going around. Oh I so hope carson doesnt get it it sounds awful. Let me know if there is anything I can do from a distance since your hubby is gone. I am sorry it sounds like a long weekend at home. Poor little guy...

Megan Loves Life said...

poor little thing! I hate when babies are sick... He still looks so cute in that picture though!

Sam and Jess said...

what is the deal? is this really something that is going around? I hope that's not what Ella had and passed it on to Ian. I know that we talked about it the other night. Are the sores in and around the mouth the give-away? I never noticed any sores, but I'll have to keep my eye on her. good luck with no help. Let me know if you need anything.

The Cliftens said...

Why does he always get sick when Dustin is gone??? Poor Ian! Where do you get that disease from? I have never heard of it! Call me or I'll call you..

A and M said...

Dane is getting so big. I can't believe I babysat him when he was just a little baby.
Poor Ian, what a sweet little boy!
Oh, I just finished reading The Glass Castle and I really liked it...any other recommendations?

Sherrie said...

Grampa Taylor is so proud of Dane and brags to everyone that HE is the one who taught him how to ride his Spider man two wheeler!

Poor little Ian. The second child always gets what the older sibling brings home. I hope he's done with getting things for a while.

We love our boys! Gma S and Gpa T