Porcupine Quills

Living up Emigration Canyon we have had the opportunity to encounter a variety of animals. We have had quite a few moose and deer in our yard. We have seen a badger while walking the dogs. And our neighbors have even seen a turkey vulture and a bobcat. But last night we had a cute little porcupine eating acorns right next to our driveway. We were suspicious of one being somewhere in the yard because Bigs came home one morning with 2 quills stuck in her cheeks. Dustin pulled them out with pliers. Then, Nattie spent the better part of one evening hanging out in the scrub oak. Dustin went to investigate what she was doing and found our friend. The porcupine didn't even care that Nattie was hanging around. And it didn't mind that we were shining a light on it and taking pictures. To quote Dane, "We are so lucky to have all these special animals to look at." The other picture is of Dane's play-doh porcupines he made.


Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

How cute is Dane!! O'my gosh he makes me laugh! I love that you always update your blog. Thanks so much for having us up at your house last night. You are a awesome cook. I need to get your recipe. I'm mad we didn't take pics though, darnit!! Next time.:)

Leenz said...

You should tell him that a porcupine is not THAT special, especially if special means that he wants to snuggle with it.
I love his play-doh version of the little guy.

Leenz said...

You should tell him that a porcupine is not THAT special, especially if special means that he wants to snuggle with it.
I love his play-doh version of the little guy.

Living In Love said...

I love that Dane said that! And that he wanted to make play dough porcupines. Too cute!