The Cool Older Brother

Dane was able to make a guest appearance at Ian's school as a Royal Reader. Boy did Dane feel special being able to read 2 books to Ian's class. He read so well and the class sat and listened quietly. When Dane was in Stephanie's 4's class older siblings of kids in his class came as Royal Reader's and it was a BIG deal. So for him to be able to do this for Ian's class is pretty awesome.
When Dane and I came back to get Ian there was time to play. Ian and Abbey LOVED Dane pulling them around in the trailer.


LauraP said...

How fun! I'm sure Dane was feeling "so cool" in front of the young kids. What a cute idea.

Megan Loves Life said...

Cute pictures!

Somer Love said...

Dane is getting so grown up!!! Your boys are so cute!!!