We Will Miss You Both!

Mrs. Savannah Biglesworth
a.k.a Bigs, a.k.a Bad Bigs, a.k.a Bigsy Baby
a.k.a Nattie, a.k.a Naughty Nattie, a.k.a Nattie-Girl

You will be missed!

Dustin and I made a very difficult decision and put our doggy children to sleep today (September 28, 2009). Bigs and Nattie were both just shy of their 10th birthdays. We got the dogs just a few months a part when they were puppies. The girls were also our flower girls/ring bearers at our wedding. Unfortunately, the last year has been rough on both the dogs and us. They were both incontinent and we had accidents almost daily.
For their last day Ian and I took them to Tanner Park. The girls grew up walking there and have nothing but good memories of those days. I walked them there all during my pregnancy with Dane and even after he was born Dane made his first appearance at the park at 5 days old. Dustin came home from work early today and we made concrete garden stones with their paw prints in them. The kids were then taken to neighbor Rosie's house to play. We have the most awesome vet (Rick - Salt Lake Vet Services) that comes to our house. It was nice to be able to sit with the girls on their dog beds while they peacefully passed through to Doggy Heaven. It was a sad but peaceful moment.


NatBug said...

Oh Whit, I am so sorry, your dogs were such sweethearts! It sure gets hard towards the end doesn't it?

Leenz said...

Ohhhh, I cried when I read this! I remember those dogs as puppies! Remember when we would take them to the golf course to play? Or when they chewed up the leather couch? They were the best- I'm sorry you had to let them go.

Brandon and Tenille said...

Wow Whit just reading that made me cry. What amazing dogs you had, and now there in heaven running around and playing. I am sure it was a hard thing to do but the right thing for sure. I love you guys lots and are thinking about you. We as well loved those dogs carson especially. Thanks for sharingyour sweet memorys love ya tenille!

LauraP said...

What a sad day. I still remember Bigs during Christmas as a puppy! But when it is best for the dogs, you sometimes have to do it.

Nana said...

Sorry Whitney! You have such a lovely way of saying good-bye! Your girls were very lucky to have you to love and obey...they have a way of knowing when it is best to move on and you and Dustin were brave to let them. Take Care!

Nick, Steph and Chase Baby said...

Oh Guys1 I have had a lump in my throat all day. I'm so sorry for your loss. They will be missed but I'm happy that their in their happy place. Love you guys :)

Nick, Steph and Chase Baby said...

I remember the first time I meet the girls.It was at your house on Vine Street. They were in the front bay window, barking when we drove in. So happy and way hyper. XO

Nebraska Cottrell's said...

How sad...your family has had a really rough summer. Hopefully your boys will adjust okay. I love dogs.

Whitlock Family said...

I am so sorry to hear about your dogs. I am sure that was a very hard to say goodbye.

Meg said...

I am so sad and sorry about this! I can't imagine how hard this would be when we have to put Bodie down. We've been thinking about you guys.