Dane's Wonderful Weekend Fun

It was all about Dane this weekend. Friday we went to the Aquarium with friends Jenna, Zack and Ben. (No picts of that cuz I forgot my camera) Saturday Dustin made Dane a snowmobile track in the back yard and Dane had fun driving his sled around and around. Then, we went to the monster truck show with Zack and preschool friend Kenny. Sunday was spent skiing at Snowbird and more snowmobiling. Whew! Mom and Dad are wiped out from all that fun. What a great weekend.

Valentine's Dinner

We had a great time celebrating Valentine's night with friends. Elsha, Lindsay and myself planned a dinner at Brookside restaurant in Sugarhouse. The company and the food were good but the patio, where we sat, was not. The only thing that separated us from the outdoors was a flimsy canopy tent that was not secure and had holes. Needless to say we were all freezing. And to make it worse one of the heaters wasn't working. Brrrrr! Fun was had by all despite the bitter cold though. With dinner brought some great news from friends (and cousins) Jared and Angie who announced they are having twins this summer. We are so excited for them! Congratulations! That means we will have 4 new babies this summer from Heidi, Rosie and Angie. The playgroup is growing. Pretty soon the kids will out number the parents! Happy Valentine's Day to everyone and we missed those who couldn't make it last night.

To My Valentine

This Valentine's Day marks the 11th year Dustin and I have been together. That day, year's ago, was the first day we laid eyes on each other and the rest was basically history. I should pause here to give a shout-out to Natalie who had a big part in us meeting. Thanks Nat! This year I am lucky to have 3 special guys in my life to LOVE with all of my heart.

To my Dustin Love for all the things you do as a father to our children - things that may sometimes seem insignificant but are the pieces of life I cherish most in the special place in my heart that only you know. I love you for all the things you do as a husband - your love, respect and admiration are the only things I crave. I love you up a boo ky!
To Dane who is the spitting image of his father in his love for everything with a motor. You amaze me daily with what you are curious about and what you already know. You are such cuddly little guy and must give hugs and say "I love you" many times a day.
To Ian, my little bugga-boo. I love how you laugh and smile at anything, even when you feel like crying. You are such an easygoing little guy. I am so glad you came into our family and I am enjoying every moment of watching you grow and learn.

I love my little family and feel so lucky to be a mom and a wife to such wonderful guys. I love you!

Living in a winter wonderland...

I know we are all dealing with tons of snow at our houses but I had to show you what it is like up here in the canyon. This is a picture of the inside of our bedroom window a few days ago. Now the snow covers the whole window.
This is the outside of our bedroom window.
Dustin and Dane making a snowfort. Nice hat Dust!

Many feet of snow on the ground brings wildlife close to the homes looking for food. This baby moose and his mom were about 2 feet away from me as I took pictures through a window. It is cool to be able to view these amazing animals up close through cinderblock walls and windows :)
Dustin and Dane are enjoying the snow this year. Dane has gone "ga-ga" over snowmobiling just like his Dad. Dustin has enjoyed taking him up to East Canyon to play around.

I've Been Husband Tagged!

What is his name? Dustin, Doosty, Doosters
How long have you been married? 7 years in June
How long did you date? 4 years
How old is he? 28 (oops I mean 29!)
Who eats more? Dustin eats more food at one sitting; I probably eat more food throughout the day and more sugar
Who said "I love you" first? Dustin did and I didn't say it back!
Who is taller? Dustin
Who sings better? Whitney, although Dustin thinks he is a cassanova
Who is smarter? Dustin for sure! I do stupid stuff all the time.
Whose temper is worse? Dustin has a bad temper but blow-ups are few and far between.
Who does the laundry? Whitney. I won't let him do the washing but I wish he would help put it away.
Who does the dishes? Dustin almost always does the dishes.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Whitney
Who pays the bills? Dustin. I am not allowed to touch the check book (nor would I want that responsibility)
Who mows the lawn? If we had grass I would mow it. But Dustin usually picks up the dog poop and that is way worse.
Who cooks dinner? Whitney. But Dustin does the dishes.
Who drives when you are together? Dustin. He's got some control issues there.
Who is more stubborn? That is a toss up. We are both pretty stubborn.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither. Good thing we don't fight much.
Whose parents do you see the most? Whitney's and they live in California!
Who proposed? Dustin.
Who has more friends? We share all the same friends
Who has more siblings? We each have 3 but his are all brothers and I have 2 brothers and 1 sister
Who wears the pants? He would say I do and I would say we share the pants.
I'm tagging Natalie, Melissa, and Tenille .